


this is a fun art project someone did that is meant to look like it steals files on a computer. that it is is a program that while files arr coppied, makes a bird that swoops down with a bandit mask and a bag, and catches the files in the bag and flys away. it is a very fun and creative project that serves no purpose but to entertain. fortu


these are my advertisements. one is a play on an energizer slogan. the other is a tempurpedic advertisement. i personally dont spend that much time in my bed sleeping. in fact when i do sleep it is usually not in my bed.



this site is about why people play videogames. i believe there is some truth to it. the site claims that people play videogames to try to fulfil some need that they cant in the real world. in a sense the site also claims that the digital world is an escape from the shacles of the real world. i think that this statement is one of the truest one in the entire article. in this world man has no control over his destiny nor his life. not in the future and not in the present. in a game however, you character can go through many difficulties and can get rich or poor easily. i prefer the game world over the real one anytime.



Second Life Flood

this is just a short clip someone made of the worst case scinerio of global warming. it is for the mostpart false because it shows people living freely underwater, which would take thosands of years to adapt to the point where they could. however this little video did kind of remind me of the survivers of hurricane katrina. eating and drinking on their rooftops. everyone on top of buildings or boats. it just reminded me of that and i think that this piece would have been more effective had that been its intention.



i decided to make godzilla attack someplace other the Japan, someplace like London!
and since I am having a monster exist in the present day real world, why not aliens as well.



The Schism Around Voice: Multicasting vs. Broadcasting

We all imagine a world that is our own. Either someplace we can live happily or rule happily in where we can resolve any problem any way we want, a place we can do all those thing that are either forbidden in this world. this writer brings up a point that that type of place has been around for some time. A book was where you could do all thet you cant in this world, however there are two great flaws in a book. one is that its long and many times boring, the second and more important is that someone ELSE wrote that book. they have already determined what happens to the hero/heroen and what will happen to the villian.
so what is the solution to this dillema the book creates?
the same as everything else THE INTERNET!!!!
with all the sites out there where you can webchat or blog like this one, there is the possability to create a brand new life, a second life not constrained by what is but rather liberated by what could be. this write says how on the net you can be the reader and the writer at the same time.


video montage

basically my views were at least in my own life, that everthing needs a soundtrack. weather walking down the street or driving round the block i hear music everywhere i got. i decided that maybe the news was so oring to me because it did not have a soundtrack and so i took old carchase news footage, and 1 chemerical and made a almost complete music video, because if the news is going to show a car chase they should just but in music.