this is a fun art project someone did that is meant to look like it steals files on a computer. that it is is a program that while files arr coppied, makes a bird that swoops down with a bandit mask and a bag, and catches the files in the bag and flys away. it is a very fun and creative project that serves no purpose but to entertain. fortu
this site is about why people play videogames. i believe there is some truth to it. the site claims that people play videogames to try to fulfil some need that they cant in the real world. in a sense the site also claims that the digital world is an escape from the shacles of the real world. i think that this statement is one of the truest one in the entire article. in this world man has no control over his destiny nor his life. not in the future and not in the present. in a game however, you character can go through many difficulties and can get rich or poor easily. i prefer the game world over the real one anytime.
this site is about why people play videogames. i believe there is some truth to it. the site claims that people play videogames to try to fulfil some need that they cant in the real world. in a sense the site also claims that the digital world is an escape from the shacles of the real world. i think that this statement is one of the truest one in the entire article. in this world man has no control over his destiny nor his life. not in the future and not in the present. in a game however, you character can go through many difficulties and can get rich or poor easily. i prefer the game world over the real one anytime.
Second Life Flood
this is just a short clip someone made of the worst case scinerio of global warming. it is for the mostpart false because it shows people living freely underwater, which would take thosands of years to adapt to the point where they could. however this little video did kind of remind me of the survivers of hurricane katrina. eating and drinking on their rooftops. everyone on top of buildings or boats. it just reminded me of that and i think that this piece would have been more effective had that been its intention.
this is just a short clip someone made of the worst case scinerio of global warming. it is for the mostpart false because it shows people living freely underwater, which would take thosands of years to adapt to the point where they could. however this little video did kind of remind me of the survivers of hurricane katrina. eating and drinking on their rooftops. everyone on top of buildings or boats. it just reminded me of that and i think that this piece would have been more effective had that been its intention.
The Schism Around Voice: Multicasting vs. Broadcasting
We all imagine a world that is our own. Either someplace we can live happily or rule happily in where we can resolve any problem any way we want, a place we can do all those thing that are either forbidden in this world. this writer brings up a point that that type of place has been around for some time. A book was where you could do all thet you cant in this world, however there are two great flaws in a book. one is that its long and many times boring, the second and more important is that someone ELSE wrote that book. they have already determined what happens to the hero/heroen and what will happen to the villian.
so what is the solution to this dillema the book creates?
the same as everything else THE INTERNET!!!!
with all the sites out there where you can webchat or blog like this one, there is the possability to create a brand new life, a second life not constrained by what is but rather liberated by what could be. this write says how on the net you can be the reader and the writer at the same time.
The Schism Around Voice: Multicasting vs. Broadcasting
We all imagine a world that is our own. Either someplace we can live happily or rule happily in where we can resolve any problem any way we want, a place we can do all those thing that are either forbidden in this world. this writer brings up a point that that type of place has been around for some time. A book was where you could do all thet you cant in this world, however there are two great flaws in a book. one is that its long and many times boring, the second and more important is that someone ELSE wrote that book. they have already determined what happens to the hero/heroen and what will happen to the villian.
so what is the solution to this dillema the book creates?
the same as everything else THE INTERNET!!!!
with all the sites out there where you can webchat or blog like this one, there is the possability to create a brand new life, a second life not constrained by what is but rather liberated by what could be. this write says how on the net you can be the reader and the writer at the same time.
video montage
basically my views were at least in my own life, that everthing needs a soundtrack. weather walking down the street or driving round the block i hear music everywhere i got. i decided that maybe the news was so oring to me because it did not have a soundtrack and so i took old carchase news footage, and 1 chemerical and made a almost complete music video, because if the news is going to show a car chase they should just but in music.

these are my absence and presence pics
though i my projects do not seem to be like the other people in my classes ones i did do mine how i thought the project should go. the military one, with the jet, tank. and battleship are my absence because the contain the absence of the correct environment. without a proper opponent, scale, or setting these military wonders become reduced to nothing but mere toys and props.
for my presence project i ut video game icons into different settings then were intended for them. sonic got taken out of his game and put into halo. mario is out of his game and instead of taking the castles flag, he takes one of the UN's, and lastly donkey kong takes a note from king kong and climbs the statue of liberty.
lawyers lawyer everywhere but not a one is mine
recently i had to go to court down in richmond, i'll keep the reason to myself, but my lawyer told be there 30 minutes early to have a pre-court meeting. well like a good little defendant, i went early like he said, got there and waited for my lawyer...and waited...and waited. suddenly before i knew it, court was in session and still no lawyer. my lawyer ended up not only being late for our meeting, but he showed up an hour late for court.
now i may have missed something..but if i pay you to be at one place at certain times, i kinda expect you to be there.
call me crazy
now i may have missed something..but if i pay you to be at one place at certain times, i kinda expect you to be there.
call me crazy
1001 nights cast
this site/piece got my attention for a few different reasons. First off if you visit this site, look at the intro. It gives a short story on how the husband of a woman dies, and so she travels the world looking for a reason to keep living. It continues that everynight a stranger tells her a new story to heal her heart.
This odd little story actually is the basis for how this site is made. Barbara Campbell performs a short text-based work each night for 1001 consecutive nights. The performance is relayed as a live webcast to anyone, anywhere, who is logged on to this website at the appointed time, that is, sunset at the artist’s location.
the site provides a countdown clock as to whan Barbara will wake and give the prompt to create a story for her site. I found this concept to be very creative for a few reasons, but maily because i have never before seen a site that only gives you certain times to write on or for it.
i definitly suggest checking out this site.
this site/piece got my attention for a few different reasons. First off if you visit this site, look at the intro. It gives a short story on how the husband of a woman dies, and so she travels the world looking for a reason to keep living. It continues that everynight a stranger tells her a new story to heal her heart.
This odd little story actually is the basis for how this site is made. Barbara Campbell performs a short text-based work each night for 1001 consecutive nights. The performance is relayed as a live webcast to anyone, anywhere, who is logged on to this website at the appointed time, that is, sunset at the artist’s location.
the site provides a countdown clock as to whan Barbara will wake and give the prompt to create a story for her site. I found this concept to be very creative for a few reasons, but maily because i have never before seen a site that only gives you certain times to write on or for it.
i definitly suggest checking out this site.
Rethinking Wargames
this project puts an entirely new spin on an old agme like chess. instead of both sides being equal with the same pieces, its the pawns vs. the other pieces. when you start using it, the game seems very mismatched. you get pieces taken so easily it is like an anthill trying to destroy an anteater family. after a while you can find ways to lure the big pieces into ambushes and destroy them. i didnt win very often but it was fun to try. i suggest going to the site and playing it at least once.
this project puts an entirely new spin on an old agme like chess. instead of both sides being equal with the same pieces, its the pawns vs. the other pieces. when you start using it, the game seems very mismatched. you get pieces taken so easily it is like an anthill trying to destroy an anteater family. after a while you can find ways to lure the big pieces into ambushes and destroy them. i didnt win very often but it was fun to try. i suggest going to the site and playing it at least once.
Cyber-Domestic Aesthetic
this project got my attention while scrolling down the article list at . once you go to the site and interact with it you become both interested in the artwork but also the messages. the images in the back almost hypnotically make you stay on the site.
the writer talks about how the digital age, internet and computer art has is some ways broken down sexist barriers that could be put up through other media. the site gives the usere the option of following the story linear like a walkthrough or to go through the site randomly. i chose ramdom because itls like life for me. i have never had a train of thought that i could go linearly through, i always jump around and so the way the site was made seemed good to me.
this project got my attention while scrolling down the article list at . once you go to the site and interact with it you become both interested in the artwork but also the messages. the images in the back almost hypnotically make you stay on the site.
the writer talks about how the digital age, internet and computer art has is some ways broken down sexist barriers that could be put up through other media. the site gives the usere the option of following the story linear like a walkthrough or to go through the site randomly. i chose ramdom because itls like life for me. i have never had a train of thought that i could go linearly through, i always jump around and so the way the site was made seemed good to me.
The furminator
this article plays on three of my passions videogames, violence, and shiny things.
the furminator is something like a game, designed by Roman Kirschner, Tilman Reiff and Volker Morawe that is basically getting the point of view of the paddle in a pinball machine. instead of giveing the player the omnipitent point of view, this viewpoint makes pinball almost like a first person shooter. i like the fack that they have taken something old and kind of low tech, and put it in a new perspective. after reading this article and viewing the pictures they gave, i could not help but want to play.
this article plays on three of my passions videogames, violence, and shiny things.
the furminator is something like a game, designed by Roman Kirschner, Tilman Reiff and Volker Morawe that is basically getting the point of view of the paddle in a pinball machine. instead of giveing the player the omnipitent point of view, this viewpoint makes pinball almost like a first person shooter. i like the fack that they have taken something old and kind of low tech, and put it in a new perspective. after reading this article and viewing the pictures they gave, i could not help but want to play.
this article from what i can gather is about mapping someone or somethings emotional state, kind of like a mood rine, that works.
i chose this article and found it interesting because of my own emotional problems such as my bypolar disorder and my depression. i have had brain scans and seen my mind mapped, but i think it would be really cool to see my emotional state mapped out.
this article from what i can gather is about mapping someone or somethings emotional state, kind of like a mood rine, that works.
i chose this article and found it interesting because of my own emotional problems such as my bypolar disorder and my depression. i have had brain scans and seen my mind mapped, but i think it would be really cool to see my emotional state mapped out.
This article is talking about an artist who uses the movements of a single person or even a group of people to change his artwork. While this is a god concept, however I personally do not like this particular work. By what is said in the article it would seem his art is based mostly on the crowd. Art in my view is the artist putting a lot of vork into something and let the viewer try to find the meaning. In this project the crowd does the work and the artist takes the credit. Maybe I’m not fully grasping how this art piece works from the article but if how I interpret it is correct, then this guy is fake in my book and should rethink what art means to hin.
We all see logos for companies all over the place. on our shoes, on buildings, on signs and of course on products. Even more common are advertisements that use these logos. We are bombarded by ads. so much that by the time a child is 2 years old they can tell you what brand of shoes they want, who they're wearing, and when they grow up, what condom they'll want to use. On the web people can find humerous pictures of ads. that people have altered and played with. But now a person has written a program to search the web for pictures, regulare pictures, that resembly their ads. or logos and then informs the company of it. i cannot see weather nthis is good or bad because i can see people getten sued for this in the future, however i think it was an interesting idea. you can find an article on this at the following site.
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